Own your destiny

Photo of Kristy Elliott, the coach and owner of Deliberate Growth coaching

About Me

In my 20s I knew I needed to save more for the future, but I didn’t know how. My family didn’t either, so I started researching. It took until my 30s to figured it out, but with discipline, controlling my expenses, and advancing my career, I became my own boss at 45.

Like many people, I had a wake-up call in my early 40s. I was burned out, but not yet at a point where I felt I could walk away from my high-stress career. When a close family member was diagnosed with cancer and passed away four weeks later, I was reminded that our lives are short and unpredictable. It was time to prioritize MY well-being and live my life on MY terms. 

Living life on my terms means travel, spending time with loved ones, and being a coach who helps others identify their priorities and achieve financial autonomy. What does living life on your terms mean? Autonomy gives you the ability to choose. To choose what you do, where you go, who you spend time with, and even how you feel about your career with the agency to act on those feelings.

Learn more about me/Follow me on LinkedIn

Common Topics

  • How to Achieve Financial Autonomy

  • Creating an Empowered Legacy

  • Leadership and Executive Coaching

  • Defining “Enough”

  • The Value of UnLearning

  • The Value of Subtraction

  • Leading with Empathy

“What does your future self wish you had done today?”

— Deborah Liu, CEO at Ancestry

Let’s talk.